Slate News

Natural Slates to be replaced after 120 years

BeNatural |

  An order for roof slates from a specialist Northamptonshire quarry has been put in by North Northants Council (NNC) to repair Kettering’s much-loved 120-year-old library and art gallery complex. Essential work to replace crumbled Collyweston slates has moved one step closer that will eventually enable the £4.5m the Cornerstone community complex to fully open. […]

Roofing Slate Statistics March 2024

BeNatural |

You can now read the monthly natural slate statistics exports report following us on LinkedIn. be natural® share the statistics of the sector using the data of the Agencia Tributaria as source. A useful tool that shouldn’t be missed.

Takri Palampur, Himachal Pradesh | The Binary Studio

BeNatural |

Discover the heart of Himachal culture at Takri, an authentic ethnic restaurant nestled in the picturesque Kangra Valley, in Palampur. Situated along the main highway connecting Dharamshala to Palampur, this charming eatery is a true reflection of the region’s traditional values. It is further centered around the staple meal known as “Dham“. Project Overview Inspired […]

Roofing Slate Statistics February 2024

BeNatural |

You can now read the monthly natural slate statistics exports report following us on LinkedIn. be natural® share the statistics of the sector using the data of the Agencia Tributaria as source. A useful tool that shouldn’t be missed.

Trinity research on Valentia Slate results in its designation as a Heritage Stone

BeNatural |

The natural stone, which only occurs in Co. Kerry and which has been used since at least 1816, has recently been awarded the Status of “International Union of Geological Sciences Heritage Stone”. This coveted status is only awarded to stones with a long history of significant use and which are still available for conservation purposes […]

Which Roofing Materials Stand the Test of Time? A 2024 Review

BeNatural |

Choosing the right roofing material is crucial for homeowners who value both aesthetics and functionality. Roofing materials not only need to complement the architectural style of a home but also withstand the elements to keep your home protected year-round. This review will explore various roofing materials, focusing on their durability, cost-effectiveness, and aesthetic value to […]

Roofing Slate Statistics January 2024

BeNatural |

You can now read the monthly natural slate statistics exports report following us on LinkedIn. be natural® share the statistics of the sector using the data of the Agencia Tributaria as source. A useful tool that shouldn’t be missed.

Stats 2023 VS 2019

BeNatural |

New replacement dwelling at Drydykes

BeNatural |

The new replacement dwelling at Drydykes is located just 6 miles west of Aberdeen city centre and stands proudly on the northern fringe of Bieldside, once a quaint village on Aberdeen’s periphery, that is steeped in history. Surrounded by open fields to the north, east, and west, the site offers uninterrupted views of the rolling […]

Surrounded by nature, the Norwell Public Library

BeNatural |

is designed by Oudens Ello Architecture to be a welcoming and accessible center of community life Designed by Oudens Ello Architecture, the Norwell Public Library is situated on a large, heavily wooded property, surrounded by wetlands and remote from the town’s commercial and civic centers. Unlike its urban and suburban counterparts which respond to their […]

Slate Definition | Roofing slate maintenance | SLATE natural benefits