Slate News

Roofing Slate Statistics July 2024

BeNatural |

You can now read the monthly natural slate statistics exports report following us on LinkedIn. be natural® share the statistics of the sector using the data of the Agencia Tributaria as source. A useful tool that shouldn’t be missed.

Family found a way to make the most of Chatsbury slate quarry

BeNatural |

Trevor Mills recounts slate struck with a hammer sounded like striking steel, yet splitting it correctly could separate pieces like two pages in a book. In his early teens living near the old Chatsbury slate quarry north of Goulburn, Trevor soon discovered how valuable it was and how darned heavy it was to lift onto […]

El Clúster de la Pizarra impulsa su imagen con una nueva campaña de promoción

BeNatural |

El Clúster de la Pizarra de Galicia ha presentado, a través de su presidente, Víctor Cobo, una nueva campaña que busca consolidar la imagen, la comunicación y el impulso del sector de la pizarra. Con este triple objetivo en mente, el Clúster “ha desarrollado un plan integral que trataremos de implementar en este año y […]

Roofing Slate Statistics June 2024

BeNatural |

You can now read the monthly natural slate statistics exports report following us on LinkedIn. be natural® share the statistics of the sector using the data of the Agencia Tributaria as source. A useful tool that shouldn’t be missed.

Ce qu’il faut savoir sur les toitures en ardoise

BeNatural |

L’ardoise est un matériau naturel et durable, utilisé pour la couverture de toits depuis des siècles, aussi bien sur les habitations que sur les monuments. En effet, appréciée pour ses nombreuses qualités l’ardoise s’adapte facilement à différents styles de poses et d’architectures. Découvrez quels sont les avantages et le prix d’une toiture en ardoises. L’ardoise […]

Slate history in the Boston Area

BeNatural |

How old is Somerville? It depends on how you measure it. If you use the European settlement or when it was part of Charlestown as your barometer, it would date from 1628. If you use the time that it separated from Charlestown, it would be 1842. If you use when it became a city, it […]

Roofing Slate Statistics May 2024

BeNatural |

You can now read the monthly natural slate statistics exports report following us on LinkedIn. be natural® share the statistics of the sector using the data of the Agencia Tributaria as source. A useful tool that shouldn’t be missed.

Nuevo uso para la pizarra VALENTIA, de Irlanda

BeNatural |

Explorando la Belleza de la Pizarra Natural: Un Enfoque Único para el Diseño La arquitecta Maya Rodríguez quedó cautivada por el encanto agreste de la Isla de Valentia cuando puso pie en ella por primera vez, atraída por la belleza cruda del paisaje. Con una mente creativa y una pasión por el diseño sostenible, encontró […]

Roofing Slate Statistics April 2024

BeNatural |

You can now read the monthly natural slate statistics exports report following us on LinkedIn. be natural® share the statistics of the sector using the data of the Agencia Tributaria as source. A useful tool that shouldn’t be missed.

Slate siding in Canadian´s forest

BeNatural |

A Family Retreat in Rural Ontario The clients for this project requested a “rustic, modern retreat” for their 100-acre property of forest, wetland, and meadows. They sought a generous home that would allow young teenagers and extended family to be comfortable in a remote area for long stays. The home needed to be a casual, […]

Slate Definition | Roofing slate maintenance | SLATE natural benefits