Roofing slate terms

Roof FeaturesExplanation
The Jower edge of a roof
HipInclined meeting line of two slopes in a pitched roof forming a salient angle
Mitred HipA covering of slates cut to form a mitred joint at the hip and laid with soakers
RidgeThe apex of a pitched roof
VergeThe side of a roof
ValleyThe meeting point of two slopes
MarginThe exposed area of a roofing slate
CourseA horizontal row of slates
Ribbon CourseA course that has a different margin to the norm on the same roof
Diminishing CourseCourses that have margins that decrease from the eaves to the ridge
Eaves CourseThe first row of full size slates at the eaves
Undereaves CourseThe course of short s lates bellow the eaves course finished flush with its lower
edge, and of a length to give the correct head lap
UndercloakSlates fixed beneath battens at verges
SoakerSmall piece of sheet metal, shaped to fit between slates at the joint of the roof surface and a vertical wall, hip or valley


Slate RoofingExplanation
RoofingThe upper layer(s) of a roof which provides a weatherproof surface
SlatingLaying roofing slates as roofing
FixingAs above
CuttingsSlates cut to meet (usually at a Hip or Valley)
Head NailingFixing with nails app. 25mm below the head
Centre NailingFixing with nails just above the head of the course below
Holing/DrillingPunching countersunk holes in the slates to allow fixing
Back/FaceThe upper (visible) surface of the slate (chamfered side)
Bed/UndersideThe surface laid onto the battens (un-chamfered side)


Slate Definition | Roofing slate maintenance | SLATE natural benefits