Slate News

Valverde de los Arroyos, arquitectura negra en Gua

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El pequeño municipio de Valverde de los Arroyos se ubica al norte de Guadalajara, concretamente en la Sierra Norte de la provincia, a los pies del pico Ocejón. Forma parte de la red de Pueblos más Bonitos de España y razones tiene para estar ahí, derrocha encanto por los cuatro costados desde el interior del […]

A Biarritz : la ville surfe sur l’ardoise !

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Bien que la tuile soit principalement présente dans la ville de l’impératrice Eugénie, nous pouvons observer de magnifques demeures rehaussées d’une toiture en ardoise.  Ce matériaux est un des plus nobles pour habiller tous les types de toitures, alliant élégance et modernité. ​Il a également la propriété de ne pas être altérée par les éléments […]

The Escorial Monastery and Bernardos Slate

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The Quarries from Bernardos have the privilege of being the oldest slate quarries of Spain. They are exploted since 1559, first for the realizations of projects in the kingdom, until today, where the slate is marketed worldwide, mainly through naturpiedra JBERNARDOS, respecting the tradition of slate in Bernardos area. The first steps  As noted by […]

Stone, a 100% natural solution to the challenges o

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Until the beginning of the 20th century, stone was the preferred building material in France, giving the French an architectural heritage the whole world comes to admire and now the object of intense restoration. Until recently forgotten by architects and engineers for building works, stone is now back in force! Its environmental qualities are increasingly […]

How to be unique ?

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This year, a customer looking for a Natural Slate roof in Australia was asking me: "how to be unique ? …" I said Multicolor ? He replied that the Multicolor was very popular and many houses had Chinese slates on their roofs… I said Black ? He replied that it was very nice but some houses in Melbourne had […]

The black gold !

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In Northwest of Spain, in Galicia you will find some black… GOLD ! That is the way we call it in this rocky region. It is probably the smalest part of Spain so well known all over the world. From Asia up to Europe or the Americas, Spanish Slate is traveling the world. It gives […]

How to become a roofer

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A roofer’s work ranges from re-slating a roof, to restoring lead sheets on an old building.  What does a roofer do ? You would mainly work on either flat or pitched (sloped) roofs using the following methods: sloped roof – slating and tiling, using traditional or synthetic slates or roof tiles flat roof – fitting […]

Fresh lease of life for one of Britain’s oldest s

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For centuries it was the material which protected buildings across Britain – both humble and magnificent – from the elements, before the slate workings which produced it were abandoned in the late 1960s. As reclaimed slate from derelict farm buildings became cheaper to find, Collyweston slate from mines in Northamptonshire and Lincolnshire was no longer […]

En Galicia hay mucho oro… negro

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La pizarra da trabajo a 2.400 personas de manera directa, aunque es un sector poco conocido al concentrarse principalmente en las comarcas de Valdeorras y Quiroga Se le llama el oro negro de Galicia. Se corta con diamante (sí, sí, con diamante). Es el trabajo directo de más de 2.400 personas y emplea a unas […]

Slate expectations: traditional roofing material

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Damage to roofs caused by poor air quality and central heating means plenty of restoration work for Nigel Smith’s company. Smith in his workshop © Tim George Nigel The village of Collyweston is surrounded by great slopes of stone. This part of England — near Stamford, where Lincolnshire meets Northamptonshire — is the old haunt […]

Slate Definition | Roofing slate maintenance | SLATE natural benefits